Windsor Fan Back Armchair, Historic Surface - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Windsor Fan Back Armchair, Historic Surface

Windsor Fan Back Armchair, Historic Surface

The chair features an accumulated paint history dating including 19th century brown paint over red… over original green paint.

Item Date: 1790-1800

Measurement: Height: 39.5"; seat height: 17"; width: 24.5"; depth: 17"

Item Condition: Very Good

Reference: To view two fan-back side chairs displaying closely related crest terminals [diamond shape] and chamfered rear seat plank edges see Nancy Goyne Evans – American Windsor Chairs (Winterthur, 1996) page 317, figures 6-147 and 6-148.

Price: $2,300

SKU 1500-14

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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