Transitional Shaft and Globe to Onion Bottle, Arms of Tynte - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Transitional Shaft and Globe to Onion Bottle, Arms of Tynte

Transitional Shaft and Globe to Onion Bottle, Arms of Tynte

Heraldry: The seal depicting a lion couchant surrounded by 5 crosses: crosslet on a shield, a right hand on a canton at top corner.

Item Date: 1685-1695

Measurement: Height: 6”

Material: Freeblown glass

Item Condition: Chips to the mouth and to the string rim, and one chip to the lower seal at 5 o'clock…otherwise very good including full gloss finish.

Literature: See David Burton’s book English Sealed Bottles and the families who owned them: pp. 1445 and 1446. Mr. Burton shows and discusses a detached seal, where it was recovered, and the Tynte family. He attributes it to Somerset and mentions a bottle, the description conforms to the one here shown, but he had not seen it and had limited details about it.

Price: $11,500

SKU 843-532

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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