Stoneware Jar with Flower Decoration Made in Manhattan - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Stoneware Jar with Flower Decoration Made in Manhattan

Attributed to the Crolius or Remmey Family in New York City

Stoneware Jar with Flower Decoration Made in Manhattan

This early 19th century ovoid shaped stoneware jar with a brown slip glazed interior and incised flowers on two sides highlighted with cobalt was made by either the Crolius or Remmey family in New York City.

Item Date: Circa 1810

Measurement: Height: 13”

Material: Stoneware

Item Condition: Good condition… nickel-size chip to side.

Literature: For related examples see Brandt Zipp’s book, Commeraw’s Stoneware: The Life and Work of the First African American Pottery Owner, page 120, 2022


SKU 1511-7

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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