Shaft & Globe Bottle, English, Superb Transitional Example - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Shaft & Globe Bottle, English, Superb Transitional Example

in Mid-Olive Green High Gloss

Shaft & Globe Bottle, English, Superb Transitional Example

A lovely shaft and globe bottle in mid/olive green, shallow kickup with wide pontil; marveled lower sides into nice, rounded shape; sloped shoulders transitioning to medium length tapered neck. Fine string rim beneath snapped off fire-smoothed lip. Full original surface sheen: high gloss surface is GUARANTEED original.

Item Date: 1670-1680

Measurement: Height: 7"

Material: "Black" Glass

Item Condition: Typical imperfections to string rim and mouth; displays well.

Price: $3,850

SKU 843-466

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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