Pair of Bandanas for 1888 United States Presidential Election - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Pair of Bandanas for 1888 United States Presidential Election

Kerchief, Presidential Campaign of 1888 Jugate Cotton Bandana , Depicted: Grover Cleveland… For President, Depicted: Allen Thurman… For Vice President, Our Candidates

Kerchief, Presidential Campaign of 1888, Jugate Cotton Bandanna, Depicted: Benjamin Harrison… For President, Depicted: Levi Morton… For Vice President, Harrison & Morton 1888 Protection To Home Industries

Pair of Bandanas for 1888 United States Presidential Election

1. According to Hillary Weiss in “The American Bandanna, “one night at a Democratic rally, vice-presidential nominee Allen Thurman pulled a red bandana from his pocket, complaining it would have been cheaper without the import tariff. He was dubbed ‘Old Pockethandkercheif, [sic]’ …the bandanna itself, became the Democrats’ 1888 symbol of consumer rights”.

2. Blue ground with scallop-edged portraits of candidates at center, with banners announcing, “For President / Benj. Harrison / Of Indiana / For Vice-President / Levi P. Morton / Of New York / Our Choice / 1888 / Protection To Home / Industries”. Circle of white stars centering portraits, with flags and spread-winged eagles in corners and additional stylized stars in between.

Estimated Year: 1888

Measurement: 1. 23.5" by 21", 2. 23.5" by 21"

Literature: 1. "Threads of History" by Herbert Collins, page 267, no. 619. 2. "Threads of History" by Herbert Collins, page 259, no. 596. Collins notes that the candidates' portraits are derived from engravings by H.B. Hall's Sons, New York, NY.

Price: $885

SKU 1240-81

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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