Probably Bridgeport, Connecticut
Inscriptions: Below image at right, “J.F. Huge, Bridgeport CT, 1851”.; bottom, “Conflagration of the U,S, Steam Frigate MISSOURI, while stationed near the Rock of Gibraltar Augst. 26th 1843”
Item Date: 1851
Measurement: 24" x 36 1/2"
Material: Transparent and opaque watercolor on paper
Provenance: Nathan Liverant and Son Antiques, Colchester, CT; Ralph Esmerian, New York, NY; David Wheatcroft, Westborough, MA.
Literature: Publications include: David Wheatcroft, The Authentic Eye: Revisiting Folk Art Masterworks (Westborough, MA, 2005) no.54.A Shared Legacy: Folk Art in America pg. 176-179
Price: $62,500
SKU 1330-4
For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email
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