Fine and Rare Federal Carved and Figured Bow-Front Chest of Drawers - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Fine and Rare Federal Carved and Figured Bow-Front Chest of Drawers

Carving Attributed to Samuel Field McIntire, Salem, Massachusetts

Fine and Rare Federal Carved and Figured Bow-Front Chest of Drawers

A fine American Federal carved chest of drawers in the Sheraton tasteā€¦the carving attributed to Samuel Field McIntire; bowfront top with turreted corners, four slightly graduated drawers flanked by reeded columns featuring acanthus and cornucopia carving against a star-punched background; the columns continue to turned legs resting on ball feet. The front and side legs join shaped aprons with returns.

Item Date: Circa 1810

Material: Mahogany, mahogany veneer, and white pine

Item Condition: Excellent, brass hardware is not original

Price: $5,850

SKU 259-81

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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