Delft Pottery, Charger, Blue Dash, Tulip Decoration - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Delft Pottery, Charger, Blue Dash, Tulip Decoration

Probably Lambeth, England

Delft Pottery, Charger, Blue Dash, Tulip Decoration

Painted in shades of blue, yellow, brownish red, and green… displaying buds and flat leaves growing from a mound centered within yellow band and blue-dashed edge. The underside including foot covered in lead glaze.

Item Date: Circa 1680

Measurement: Diameter: 13.5"

Item Condition: Excellent; old, stapled repair to tight hairline has been professionally reversed, with all else fine.

Price: $8,875

SKU 843-453

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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